Punched Tin Pie Safe
Alexandria, Virginia
George Muir  –  Shop Stencil Twice on Back
C. 1870
15.5″ D x 41″ W x  59″ H

Stenciled twice on the back “Wm H Muir & Son/Furniture/Manufactory/ (141 and 143) King St/ Alexandria/ this rare surviving Alexandria safe stands on distinctively styled feet. It retains traces of an old red wash and a gallery top. According to Muir’s ad placed in the Alexandria Gazette of August 29, 1872, he carried a wide range of furniture of many styles at the “Finest Warerooms in the South.”


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Christopher H. Jones Antiques

105 North Washington Street · Suite 202 · Alexandria VA 22314

Telephone: (703) 622-9978 ·

Hours by chance or by appointment