Center Table
Southside Virginia, Petersburg area
C. 1785
H 28″  D 23″ W 30″

This writing or center table is finished on all four sides and could well have been used as a tea table also.  It  has an ownership history in Dinwiddie County, Virginia near Petersburg.   All four legs are chamfered on their inner edges and scratch beaded on their outer edges.   While the severity of the chamfer is not as extreme as some in the “Southside Virginia Heavy Inside Champer Table Group” identified by MESDA field researchers,  it could well be considered one of the broader group. The two board top is original but was flipped at some point, probably to hide surface damage.


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Christopher H. Jones Antiques

105 North Washington Street · Suite 202 · Alexandria VA 22314

Telephone: (703) 622-9978 ·

Hours by chance or by appointment